Friday 18 January 2013

Apparently it's been snowing...

Everywhere apart from Swansea!!

I woke up this morning expecting a blanket of the lovely white stuff (I'm talking about snow remember!) but no. I was extremely disappointed when all I saw was this pathetic effort of slush.

You're doing it wrong Swansea!

That was this morning as well. There is literally nothing left now apart from a few patches on some cars. One disadvantage of living so close to the sea I suppose!

Saturday 12 January 2013

I never thought I'd say this...

... but having no exams is actually quite boring!

Alright. I don't miss revising and actually doing exams, but having nothing to fill my time with makes the days drag on.

It's even worse when all my housemates are out all day revising, so I'm stuck in by myself. I'd never thought I'd say i actually want my lectures to start again! Although, I was entertained today by taking millions of pictures of myself, trying to find at least one decent one to use as a head shot for our website.

Oh, and speaking of websites, check this one out!

Monday 7 January 2013

Shameless self-promotion...

Now I don't usually do things like this, but I think this is necessary!

I'm Chorus Manager of Swansea University Performing Arts Societies' new student written musical 'Kings & Commoners'. (Try saying that 3 times fast!)

We have set up a website for the musical and we would love as many people to view it as possible!

Here's the link to the website:

The link to the Facebook page:

And our twitter username is @SUPAS_Musical

Please share this with all your friends and I will love you forever!

Sunday 6 January 2013

Someone remind me what year it is...

Wow. What a night! Well, what I remember of it! To me it is still 2012 even though it's actually the 6th!

So I spent my new year in style by getting absolutely wasted. Classy, I know. But it was a great night spent with great company. I only just about saw the new year in, I mean literally only just. My friends had to put me to bed at 12.05 I was that drunk! Oopsy!

Anyway I don't really care. It was the first new year I had celebrated properly and I'm glad of that fact!
The fun and games are over for me now for a month because I'm taking part in dry January. Even though I may not be doing it for charity like some people are, I am doing it just to see if I actually have the will power to not drink for a month! I'm doing alright so far because I still feel sick every time I smell alcohol!

Oh, and there may be some goings on in my romantic life, but it's early days yet so I don't want to ruin things before they've even started! But I promise to keep you all up to date!

Back to uni for me now tomorrow, so I will post again soon once I've settled back into working life!

The beautiful guys I spent my new year with!

Friday 28 December 2012

So this is Christmas...

... Seriously, that was it!?

Got to be honest with you all, my Christmas wasn't brilliant this year. It just didn't feel like Christmas to me. It was just another day in December.

Wow, I sound like such a scrooge!

I'm definitely not being ungrateful, don't get me wrong. I just think I'm getting old and all the hype surrounding it just wasn't there for me this year. Gone are the days of being a kid, waking up way before I should and running into my parents room with my sack shouting that Santa's been!

Anyways, I had a great day today. I finally got to see my gorgeous nephew once again. I can't believe how much he's grown since the last time I saw him!

Such a handsome boy!

And I can't wait until next week because I get to see him again!!

Thursday 18 October 2012

What an interesting night...

Well, what can I say?

In all honesty, last night was pretty cool.

It all started with a spur of the moment idea that we (being me, my housemates and Dave) should all go to the pub. So that we did and got pretty merry in the space of a couple of hours, but decided the party shouldn't stop there!

We got back to our house and continued the drinking, although I was sensible and stuck to cider. The boys however, were not. After drinking cider and lager in the pub, they then came back and each had a vodka, lemonade and lime, shots of sambuca and some of my cider!

Whilst all this drinking was going on, we were also playing a few drinking games. First was drinking Uno followed by spoons. It was all going fine, until for some reason we decided to bend the spoons and throw them at each each. This ended badly for Nick as he ended up with a lovely looking cut above his eye. Needless to say we stopped playing after that!
The bent spoons
Wounded man!
The night ended with both of the boys throwing up in the garden! I looked after Dave, while Katie and Pim took Nick for a walk to the beach! Despite Dave not actually living with us, I would not let him go home in the state he was in, so I offered the other half of my bed to the poor guy, and I finally got to sleep at half 3 this morning!

So much drama all for a spur of the moment thing!

Monday 1 October 2012

September has been and gone...

Seriously, time seems to go so fast when you have nothing to do! So much has happened in this month, so this is going to be a long post!!

First things first, I moved into my new house!! Yay! I absolutely love it here in Swansea and basically, I never want to leave! I don't think me and my housemates could have picked a nicer house to live in, in all honesty! (Note to self, stop using so many exclamation marks! Oops.)

Right, what was next? Oh yes, I had an audition for the BBC National Chorus of Wales and got in! I've wanted to be in this choir since I was about 17, but only got around to auditioning a couple of weeks ago. I'm so glad I have done now though because we have some great concerts coming up, including Messiah!

Only a few days ago I was sitting in a tent for two days getting freshers to sign up to the choral society in uni! Now that our first rehearsal is looming tomorrow, I've no idea what to expect. I'll know how all the new people will be feeling because I was in their position last year. Hopefully, we can keep as many people as possible to make the choir as great as possible!

And while all of this has been going on, someone has came into my life and left just as quickly. Not that I wanted him to leave, but he had to go to university on the opposite side of the country (well, North Wales to be exact!) The few short weeks I spent with him were great and I will never forget them, and I hope he won't either. I don't think I'm ever going to meet a guy as nice tbh!

Now finally, only yesterday it was my birthday! I'm am now no longer a teenager, which I suppose means I should really start acting like an adult! I had a great day, and an even better night which did result in me passing out on my sofa, only for me to wake up a hour later to find everyone had gone to bed! But there are plenty of beautiful pictures that were taken!

My scrummy birthday cake. White chocolate and raspberry!


The birthday girl!

Ooohhhh, purdy!